Your Secret Love

Monday, July 20, 2009

Pirate Costumes For Children and Adults

By Mik Smith

Long John Silver, Captain Hook, Black Sam, Black Bart and Jack Sparrow. The adventure and romance of pirates appeals to nearly everyone. The sad truth is that many pirates ate poorly, and often lived on bananas and limes. Very few actually became fabulously wealthy and many of them died at a young age.

For as long as people have used the oceans as trade routes there have been pirates. The earliest documented instances of piracy date back to the 13th century BC. And for as long as people have had fancy dress costume parties there have been pirates! (Although it is uncertain as to when the first documented instance was...) If you are thinking about going to a fancy dress costume party dressed up as a pirate then you might want to consider what items of clothing are most pirate-like.

Clothing certainly won't be a problem. Pirates wore quite a variety of garments and with a little imagination and minimal outlay you can soon look like a true blue-blooded buccaneer! Think of simple articles like eye patches, bandanas and wide leather belts. A stripey black and white top wouldn't be out of place; maybe it could be worn with some old black jeans.

Unless you are one of the few people to have not watched one of the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' films then you will more than likely agree when I say that Mr Depp is perfectly cast as Captain Jack Sparrow. It would be incredibly difficult trying to imagine anyone else being able to play the role anywhere near as well as Depp. Who else could be quirky, camp, cool, sexy and funny all at the same time? Out of the many modern actors that we have in Hollywood today it has to be said that Johnny Depp must be one of the most versatile. The range of parts that he has played has been incredibly varied and impressive.

For the meeker lady Renaissance Fairy peasant garb is just as acceptable. A chemise or peasant blouse with full sleeves, a bodice or corset, and under-skirt and accenting over-skirt. If she was a lady pirate, she may also be wearing a frock coat over this costume, but for sure she will also be carrying all traditional weaponry, including a (plastic) bodice dagger!

Today 'Pirates of the Caribbean' has become one of the largest movie franchises of all time. There have been numerous video games based on the films (including an online game that was released by Disney themselves), a special 'Pirates of the Caribbean' edition of Monopoly and even a 'Pirates of the Caribbean' version of the Battleships game is available.

The long and the short of it is that if you use a little bit of imagination then there are all sorts of things that you can do to make your venue look really good and your party a lot of fun.

Unfortunately, audiences will have a long wait before the next installment of 'Pirates of the Caribbean'. The fourth film in the series, 'The Fountain of Youth', is scheduled for release in 2012.

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