The plot of the hit TV series "Weeds" centers around a neighborhood mom coming up with unconventional means to make money to support her family. "Weeds" has been around since August 2005 and the setting is out of California. The plot is unique and discloses some fascinating information ab out high class individuals. "Weeds" is about a mother, Nancy Botwin, who takes up dealing marijuana as a means to make money to support her and her two boys.
"Weeds" has had a great deal of success. The show airs on Showtime Netowkr and is currently playing season 5. There has been evidence to suggest that there will be at least one more season coming out that should play throughout 2010. The season should have around thirteen episodes and the plot is said to reveal more about Nancy's personal life and shed more light on her past.
The past seasons of "Weeds" has showed us many problems that Nancy faces routinely. Some supporting characters include her brother in law Andy Botwin. He was originally asked to leave after Nancy's husband's death. However, he came back after she saw how his presence supported a healthy family. Another important character is Celia Hodes who is the mother of two teenage daughters.
Other characters include Nancy's son Silas Botwin. He has been disturbed since his father's death and as a result finds himself unable to maintain healthy relationships. His brother, Shane Botwin, is very smart. Many people consider him to be pretty weird, but he is quite normal. Doug Wilson is Nancy's accountant with quite a sense of humor. He has a gay son as well as a charming wife and a girlfriend.
In the first season of "Weeds" we see that it starts of pretty gloomy. We see Judah die and all of the responsibilty to maintaining a family has been transferred to Nancy. She takes up a very different business, but her creativity is what has allowed her to flourish. We can all learn a lot by watching her deal with everyday problems.
The second season of the TV Show Weeds is much lighter than the first. Nancy gets more involved in drug trafficking and starts to get into much more serious scenarios. Season three continues down this path as fallen drug deals turn for the worse. The drug trade gets even more serious as Season four begins. She moves to another town and moves on to become an importer.
We all see that "Weeds" TV Show is very unconventional. The plot is very unique and absurd and this targets a wide audience. This show appeals to younger people as well as older. The show is centered around a single mom, drugs, family problems and riddled with comedy. If you dare sit down and watch Weeds you will be hooked.
"Weeds" has had a great deal of success. The show airs on Showtime Netowkr and is currently playing season 5. There has been evidence to suggest that there will be at least one more season coming out that should play throughout 2010. The season should have around thirteen episodes and the plot is said to reveal more about Nancy's personal life and shed more light on her past.
The past seasons of "Weeds" has showed us many problems that Nancy faces routinely. Some supporting characters include her brother in law Andy Botwin. He was originally asked to leave after Nancy's husband's death. However, he came back after she saw how his presence supported a healthy family. Another important character is Celia Hodes who is the mother of two teenage daughters.
Other characters include Nancy's son Silas Botwin. He has been disturbed since his father's death and as a result finds himself unable to maintain healthy relationships. His brother, Shane Botwin, is very smart. Many people consider him to be pretty weird, but he is quite normal. Doug Wilson is Nancy's accountant with quite a sense of humor. He has a gay son as well as a charming wife and a girlfriend.
In the first season of "Weeds" we see that it starts of pretty gloomy. We see Judah die and all of the responsibilty to maintaining a family has been transferred to Nancy. She takes up a very different business, but her creativity is what has allowed her to flourish. We can all learn a lot by watching her deal with everyday problems.
The second season of the TV Show Weeds is much lighter than the first. Nancy gets more involved in drug trafficking and starts to get into much more serious scenarios. Season three continues down this path as fallen drug deals turn for the worse. The drug trade gets even more serious as Season four begins. She moves to another town and moves on to become an importer.
We all see that "Weeds" TV Show is very unconventional. The plot is very unique and absurd and this targets a wide audience. This show appeals to younger people as well as older. The show is centered around a single mom, drugs, family problems and riddled with comedy. If you dare sit down and watch Weeds you will be hooked.
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