Your Secret Love

Friday, August 14, 2009

Ladies Handbags - Are You Holding A Counterfeit?

By Ashlynn Mario

Many people are interested in buying the latest in designer handbags, but it's important to be careful about it, to keep yourself from being taken in by fakes. There are a lot of designer lookalikes on the market, from fakes claiming to be the real thing to handbags made with a designer look but no designer label. Imitation designer handbags tend to be lower in quality, especially if they're claiming to be actual designer pieces. Lookalikes that don?t claim to be the real thing may be worthwhile for those who just want the look but not the name. However, you should still shop with care.

Counterfeit handbags, on the other hand, are sold externally of traditional stores. The sellers often use roadside markets, flea markets and online auctions. Unscrupulous sellers of these counterfeit handbags hope that you'll be won over by the guarantee of a lower price and thus will not look suspiciously at their shoddy products.

Purchasing online is very difficult unless you are dealing with a renowned store or boutique that you already know and trust. This is why, for instance, famed online auction houses use their feedback factors as some protection.

Check the photographs of the bag you're thinking about buying, too. Is the bag carefully photographed to show you all the details and the quality of its construction, or has it been photographed in a group of other bags. The quality of the images can tell you whether or not you're buying the real thing, or a fake that'll fall apart in only a few months.

Materials are important, too. If the bag is made of cheap vinyl and has low quality stitching, it's not the real deal, since manufacturers of designer bags are very careful about their materials and construction. The picture you see should show a bag that you'd like to own.

Use a credit card to pay for any designer handbag you want to buy, so that you have some kind of recourse if the bag that arrives isn't what was promised. Just be careful if you're buying from sellers in another country. It can be harder to contest a sale with a foreign seller, and shipping times are often so long that you'll be outside your window to complain or get a refund by the time the bag actually arrives.

Designer inspired bags have fewer of these problems. Also called designer replicas, they're an excellent choice for people who don't care about names but want the look of the most popular new designer products. They're mostly sold in online stores and discount retailers. Just remember that quality can vary a lot, and that these aren't as reliable as the real thing.

Designer looks and quality are worth the money for many of us. If you've been thinking about buying a designer bag, don't be taken in by fakes. Save your money and choose a beautiful designer handbag that'll last for years.

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