Your Secret Love

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Ladies Handbags - How To Identify A Counterfeit

By Ashlynn Mario

Many people are interested in buying the latest in designer handbags, but it's important to be careful about it, to keep yourself from being taken in by fakes. There are a lot of designer lookalikes on the market, from fakes claiming to be the real thing to handbags made with a designer look but no designer label. Imitation designer handbags tend to be lower in quality, especially if they're claiming to be actual designer pieces. Lookalikes that don?t claim to be the real thing may be worthwhile for those who just want the look but not the name. However, you should still shop with care.

You'll find these handbags in traditional stores, and low quality counterfeit handbags in other venues, such as online auction sites, flea markets and road side markets. People selling these low quality fakes are hoping that the low price will convince you not to be too suspicious of their products.

Buying online can be particularly difficult, unless you?re sure that you?re buying from someone you can trust. If you really want a designer bag from an online auction site, be sure to go over the seller's feedback with care.

An interesting tip for online differentiation between an authentic designer bag and a counterfeit is that authentic ones are carefully posed for photography one at a time so that you can actually inspect the bag, whereas counterfeits are often shown in tightly bunched groups. Also, authenticity tags are not often attached to the authentic designer bags unless it's meant to sway you into believing the product is real when it is not.

Designer bags use good materials, not inexpensive vinyl, and good construction. If you see low quality stitching or other telltale details, you may be looking at a fake. Make sure the seller is using a picture that represents the kind of bag you want to own.

Further, pay for your authentic designer bag using a credit card, so that if you are ripped off, you have a means of recourse such as a charge back should your bag be found to be a counterfeit. Remember that sellers who sell outside of the United States will be more difficult if you are seeking either a refund or a charge back. Also, if you deal with a seller outside of the United States, longer shipping times are often part of a plan to have you overextended on complaint times, or to ask for a refund or charge back.

Designer-inspired bags, not counterfeit bags, are sometimes also referred to as designer replica handbags. These will let you own the latest hot design for a much less expenditure. These bags will be available in online stores, as well as many discount retailers. However, at least you then know what you are buying and you know what you are going to receive, as opposed to counterfeit bags.

Designer looks and quality are worth the money for many of us. If you've been thinking about buying a designer bag, don't be taken in by fakes. Save your money and choose a beautiful designer handbag that'll last for years.

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