Your Secret Love

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Philip Stein Teslar Watch The Timepiece Of The Future

By Yvonne W. Decker

Philip Stein Teslar watches are high end, high tech watches. These incredibly gorgeous watches are a must have item. They are known not only for beauty but for restoring the physical well being and health of the wearer. They are pioneers in the scientific field as they release radio frequencies that have positive effects on the wearer. These beautiful watches are favored by many celebrities including Madonna and Hugh Jackman. Oprah has been quoted as saying Teslar watches are one of her favorite things.

These watches come with a dual face display. This allows you to set two different times and keep track of both at the same time. For anyone who travels to and from different time zones this feature can be quite handy. They will be able to set one face to their local time and another for the time in another state to keep track of potential business meetings and so forth.

Philip Stein Teslar watches come in numerous colors and designs. The colors include mother of pearl, black, and white. These colors give the watch a luxurious look. A person can also get the watch designed to their liking. If one were inclined they could either get the watch without any diamonds or completely full of diamonds. It all depends on the style of the wearer. The watches are very customizable.

Teslar watches work in a simplistic yet clever way. It is common knowledge that all electronic devices such as cell phones, PDAs, computers, laptops, televisions, etc release radio signals. This electromagnetic energy can be harmful to humans. We are bombarded with them every day at all times of the day. The watches counter these signals with the release of their own positive electromagnetic signals.

Teslar watch wearers are recommended to sleep with their watch on as the watch improves sleep and allows the wearer to rest more peacefully at night.

Teslar watches are designed to improve well being. They are created to stop headaches and migraines. The negative electromagnetic energy that can cause headaches and migraines is repelled with a Teslar watch and headaches are eliminated.

Watch wearers have also experience higher levels of concentration which has helped them over come many arduous and daunting tasks. Athletes have also noted an increase in energy levels during physical activities. These benefits can be quite beneficial to the common person.

The Teslar watch is also designed to reduce tension in highly stressful situations. The chips in the Teslar watch generate a positive electromagnetic field that is similar to the pulse that the earths energy level and the pulse that the brain releases when it is calm or in a state of meditation.

Teslar watches can be priced anywhere from 600 dollars to about 18,000 dollars. While they watches can be a bit pricey there is no denying their numerous amounts of benefits. Not only do they improve physical and mental health with positive electromagnetic energy they also are very stylish and look beautiful.

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