Next Day Air is a movie classified under comedy genre. Director Benny Boom's efforts are satisfactory as we can see in the comically unfolding plot. Plot revolves around Guch played by Wood Harris and Brody played by Mike Epps. They are bumbling small time criminals who are elated when they accidentally receive a packet of grade A cocaine.
This triggers off a series of events changing the lives of at least ten people in a major way. These criminals try to encash their booty which leads to a variety of comical events and circumstances. Uproarious comical action is portrayed with efficiency by the all star cast of Donald Faison, Debbie Allen and Mos Def.
The movie begins when Donald Faison accidentally delivers a package containing ten kilos of cocaine to Guch and Brody. The package was actually meant for their neighbor. Guch and Brody meet Brody's cousin Omari Harwick, who is a drug dealer. His bodyguard Darius McCrary accompanies him.
A series of comical events unfold as the intended recipients of the package Jesus the man who wants to become a gangster played by Cisco Reyes and his girlfriend Yasmin Deliz realize they haven't received the package. Events turn more comical as Bodega Diablo the drug kingpin played by Emilio Rivera notices the missing package too.
Chaos continues as Brody and Buch try to seal the deal with Bodega himself in an attempt to transform their lives. Bodega is of course determined to get back his cocaine at any cost. The plot is handled expertly with the comical vein kept alive throughout. Why not watch Next Day Air movie free for some wonderful moments of comedy.
Humour in this movie will be appreciated better by a mature audience, who are sure to be in splits once they get into the spirit of the movie. While the production values of the movie is average the comic element and plot is definitely above average.
This triggers off a series of events changing the lives of at least ten people in a major way. These criminals try to encash their booty which leads to a variety of comical events and circumstances. Uproarious comical action is portrayed with efficiency by the all star cast of Donald Faison, Debbie Allen and Mos Def.
The movie begins when Donald Faison accidentally delivers a package containing ten kilos of cocaine to Guch and Brody. The package was actually meant for their neighbor. Guch and Brody meet Brody's cousin Omari Harwick, who is a drug dealer. His bodyguard Darius McCrary accompanies him.
A series of comical events unfold as the intended recipients of the package Jesus the man who wants to become a gangster played by Cisco Reyes and his girlfriend Yasmin Deliz realize they haven't received the package. Events turn more comical as Bodega Diablo the drug kingpin played by Emilio Rivera notices the missing package too.
Chaos continues as Brody and Buch try to seal the deal with Bodega himself in an attempt to transform their lives. Bodega is of course determined to get back his cocaine at any cost. The plot is handled expertly with the comical vein kept alive throughout. Why not watch Next Day Air movie free for some wonderful moments of comedy.
Humour in this movie will be appreciated better by a mature audience, who are sure to be in splits once they get into the spirit of the movie. While the production values of the movie is average the comic element and plot is definitely above average.
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